Lecture: Cinzia Bearzot
Thursday 3 May 2018, h. 12, conference room «Roberto Pretagostini»
Lecture: Damien Nelis
Wednesday 7 march 2018, ore 11, 1st floor conference room
Workshop: Researches of philology, history, and ancient geography at Seville
Tuesday 7 November 2017, h. 10,30
Lecture: Louis Godart
Thursday 26 october 2017, h. 11, conference hall «Sabatino Moscati»
Conference: «Words of Science»
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 6-7 october 2017
Lecture: Mauro Tulli
Technical Language and Translation: Epicurus’ Peri Physeos
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 10 May 2017, h. 10,30
Lecture: Livio Rossetti
The origins of the idea of antipodes (from Plato to Parmenid, backwards)
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 9 march 2017, h. 11,30
Book: Vom Papyrus zum Internet
By Fabio Stok – Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden (Westfalen) 2017
Book: Classics from Papyrus to the Internet
By Jeffrey M. Hunt, R. Alden Smith e Fabio Stok; Introduction by Craig W. Kallendorf – University of Texas Press 2017
Lecture: Guido Paduano
Puns in Aristophanes
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 18 january 2017, h. 15
Lectures: Vito Lorusso and Tommaso Raiola
Vito Lorusso: Copying manuscripts, transmitting knowledge
Tommaso Raiola: Building a corpus: the case of Galen
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 31 October 2016, h. 10
Lecture: Sandro Passavanti
Orestes’ Visions: Medicine, Divination, Sophistic
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 19 october 2016, h. 11
Workshop: «A protagonist: In memoriam Walter Burkert»
A protagonist: In memoriam Walter Burkert
Rome, Istituto Svizzero, 9 June 2016, h. 15
Conference: «Medicine and Scientific Thinking in Ancient Rome»
Medicine and Scientific Thinking in Ancient Rome
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 18 May 2016, h. 15
XV Conference «The Latin of Science and Technics»
Sport in Ancient and Modern World
Rome, Liceo «Benedetto Croce», 21 April 2016
Conference: «Time and Time Reckoning»
«Time and time reckoning in medieval and contemporary scientific perspective»
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 6 April 2016, h. 15
Lecture: Christine Walde
Sleep in Ancient Rome. Explorations into Seneca and other ancient authors
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Tuesday 22 March 2016, h. 11
Conference: «Historiai para doxan»
«Historiai para doxan». Greek fragmentary documents: their value, problems, and new exegetical perspectives
University of Genoa, 10-11 March 2016
Lecture: Lorenzo Perilli
Hippokrates and Galen forerunners and founders of modern medicine
Ravenna, Biblioteca Classense, 18 February 2016
Lecture: Federicomaria Muccioli
New trends and interpretative models of Hellenistic history
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 27 February 2016
Lecture: Laura Gemelli
Spells, amulets, and other ‘magical’ remedies
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 10 February 2016
Conference: «Rom bei Nacht»
Rom bei Nacht. Eine Kulturgeschichte von Traum und Schlaf im spätrömischen Reich
Vatican City, Teutonic Cemetery, 26-28 November 2015
Workshop: Mysticism and Mathematics. The Brouwer Case
Workshop: «Mysticism and Mathematics. The Brouwer Case»
University of Rome Tor Vergata, 21 October 2015, h. 15
Lecture: Lorenzo Perilli
Nothing happens at random. Atoms, movement, and necessity in ancient Greek science
Genoa, Italian Institute of Technology, 1 October 2015