Lecture: Laura Gemelli

Research Centre «Forms of Knowledge in the Anicnt World»

in collaboration with

Scuola Superiore di Studi in Filosofia
Dottorato di Ricerca in Antichità classiche e loro Fortuna. Archeologia, Filologia, Storia
Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia

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Spells, amulets, and other ‘magical’ remedies


Lecture by

Laura Gemelli

Universität Zürich


Wednesday 10 February 2016, h. 11

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia (via Columbia, Roma)
Building B, 3rd Floor, Conference Room «Roberto Pretagostini»

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Laura Gemelli is professor of classical philology at the Seminar für Griechische Philologie und Lateinische University of Zurich. After studying classical philology, ancient philosophy, and indogermanic literature, she has long collaborated with Walter Burkert. Specialist of pre-Platonic philosophy, Hippocratic medicine, and doxography, she has published several studies on the Atomism, the Eleatic philosophy, and the religious phenomenon in the ancient world, offering also a new interpretation of Parmenides’ thought. Among his publications there are the three-volumes edition of the Vorsokratiker, with text, translation and commentary (Düsseldorf 2007-2010; new ed. Berlin 2013); the essay Democrito e l’Accademia. Studi sulla trasmissione dell’atomismo antico da Aristotele a Simplicio, Berlin – New York 2007, and the recent Parmenide: suoni, immagini, esperienza, ed. by L. Rossetti and M. Pulpit, Sankt Augustin 2013.