with the unconditional support of

Hippocrates and the others
Since the first Colloque Hippocratique, held in Strasbourg in 1972 and organised by Louis Bourgey e Jacques Jouanna, research on Hippocrates and the Hippocratic Corpus has been intensely going on mainly due to a scholarly community that in the meantime improved and turned into an international network. The upcoming Rome Colloquium pursues this tradition and is intended to offer a further opportunity for exchange and update.
The title of the Colloquium will be Hippocrates and the others. The Colloquium envisages the interaction of specialists of the Hippocratic Corpus and of other fields, who work both on the content and form of individual Hippocratic writings and on their chronological, geographical and cultural location. The so-called “Hippocrates” has deep roots, and after a long gestation in ancient culture, it has been vital for a long time: it is worthwhile to investigate both its intrinsic features – of content, transmission, language and style, or authorship – and to broaden the field to what has preceded and accompanied it in Greece and in the surrounding cultures, whether it be literature or philosophy, science, religion and magic, political, juridical and economic conditions, the diffusion of texts and their consolidation in corpora and canons.
Guest Speakers
Markham Geller, Berlin – Jacques Jouanna, Paris – Peter Pormann, Manchester
Philip van der Eijk, Berlin – Heinrich von Staden, Princeton
Giuseppe Cambiano (Pisa) – Christian Brockmann (Hamburg) – Philippe Mudry (Lausanne)
Peter Singer (London) – Daniela Manetti (Florence) – Ivan Garofalo (Pisa)
Costs for accomodation and meals will be covered by the organisation for all speakers, who are kindly requested to provide for their travel costs. If needed, travel costs can also be covered on request (in this case, please write to the e-mail address mentioned below).
Ten grants, amounting to € 350 each, will be made available to young scholars attending the conference and living outside Lazio region or abroad, in order to cover costs. An application is required. The official announcement will be issued and published on this website as soon as the relevant details will be made known by the administrative offices.
Grant for Conference participation
Participation in the Colloquium is free. For organizational purposes, however, those who are willing to participate are kindly invited to fill out this form and send it as an e-mail attachment to the address info@sapereantico.uniroma2.it. Any printed material related to the Colloquium will be made available to all participants, as well as access to lunch and coffee breaks.
Partner Hotels: the Organisation cares for the bookings for speakers and chairpersons. Whoever, at his own expense, wishes to extend his/her stay or share a double room with a second guest, can write to the organisation (info@sapereantico.uniroma2.it).
Anyone wishing to take part in the Colloquium can apply directly to one of the three partner hotels and request the reserved rate, mentioning the Colloquium Hippocraticum taking place at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. The hotels are located in the immediate vicinity of the venues of the Colloquium, which can be reached on foot in a few minutes.
The level, and the cost, of the three structures differ significantly. Since the period of the Colloquium, at the end of October, is high season for Rome, we suggest to book well in advance. Of course there are many other hotels and (Air)B&B in the area for those wishing to opt for a different structure.
Hotel Ponte Sisto
Cost for participants to the Colloquium: double room, single occupancy € 190 per night including breakfast; double room; double room, double occupancy € 240 per night including breakfast. Tourist tax (city tax) not included, 6 € per person per night.
Albergo Santa Chiara
Cost for participants to the Colloquium: superior single room (French bed 145 cm) € 155 per night including breakfast; double room, single occupancy € 170 per night including breakfast; double room, double occupancy € 200 per night including breakfast. City tax not included, € 4 per person per night.
Casa San Giuseppe
Cost for participants to the Colloquium: single room, or double room single occupancy € 68 per night including breakfast; double room, double occupancy, price to be agreed with the structure.
Please direct every inquiry to the Colloquium secretary, Dr. Ambra Serangeli (info@sapereantico.uniroma2.it).
Papers will last either 20 (●) or 30 (●) minutes, and will be followed by discussion
Thursday 25 October 2018
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (via della Lungara 10, Rome)
Morning session (9-13)
Institutional addresses (Accademia dei Lincei; Organizing Committee; Prof. Giuseppe Novelli, Dean of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)
(●) Jacques Jouanna (Paris), Hippocrate et les autres: la conception du climat
(●) Elizabeth Craik (St. Andrews), Doctors and dramatists
(●) Orly Lewis (Jerusalem), The anatomical and physiological theory of the Hippocratic Περὶ καρδίης
(●) Stavros Kouloumentas (Crete), Tracing the origins of beings: De carnibus on cosmogony and anthropogony
(●) Giulia Ecca (Berlin), Il trattato ippocratico De medico: tra deontologia e chirurgia
(●) Ieva Fibiga (Riga), Metaphor in ancient Greek medical texts and clinical terminology
Afternoon session (14,30-19)
(●) Markham Geller (Berlin / London), Why was there no temple medicine (Asclepieion) in Babylonia?
(●) Lorenzo Perilli (Rome), At the roots of genetics and heredity
(●) Daniela Fausti (Siena), L’eredità di Ippocrate nella farmacologia: il diverso approccio di Dioscoride, Plinio il Vecchio, Sorano, Galeno
(●) Matteo Martelli (Bologna), Ippocrate alchimista
(●) Julie Laskaris (Richmond, VA), Learning from the miners: copper in the Greek pharmacological tradition
(●) Florence Bourbon (Paris), Grain de Cnide et cumin d’Éthiopie: les médecins hippocratiques et les plantes des autres
(●) Paul Demont (Paris), Note sur trois problèmes «hippocratiques» récemment édités concernant le jeûne
(●) Irene Calà (Berlin) e Serena Buzzi (Turin), Ippocrate nei testi medici della tarda antichità: Oribasio e Aezio Amideno
Friday 26 October 2018
Ecole Française de Rome (Piazza Navona 62, Rome)
Morning session (9-13)
Institutional addresses (Ecole Française)
(●) Philip J. van der Eijk (Berlin), Aristotle’s medical project
(●) Ignacio Rodríguez Alfageme (Madrid), Estudio de los compuestos con κατά y παρά en el Corpus Hippocraticum
(●) Nathalie Rousseau (Paris), “Guillemets” hippocratiques: fonctions des verbes “nommer, appeler” dans le texte scientifique ancien
(●) Paul Potter (Western Ontario), Earliest extant Greek manuscripts of Diseases of Women I-II
(●) Lesley Dean Jones (Austin, TX), Ancient concepts of uterine mole
(●) Marie-Hélène Marganne (Liège), Les références à l’Égypte dans la collection hippocratique
(●) Tommaso Raiola (Naples), La chirurgia ‘dolce’ di Ippocrate nei commenti di Galeno
Afternoon session (14,30-19)
(●) Peter Pormann (Manchester), Hippocrates and Avicenna: the tale of two commentary traditions
(●) Véronique Boudon-Millot (Paris), Hippocrate inventeur de la clinique et les médecins clinicoi: Damocrate, Magnos et les autres
(●) María Teresa Santamaría Hernández (Castilla – La Mancha), El De augmento humorum pseudohipocrático: estructura, fuentes y función en la Medicina altomedieval
(●) Mathias Witt (Münich), Aphor., Coac. and Crises: the early compilations of the Hippocratic Corpus as witnesses of the earliest Hippocratic Collection and of lost early Hippocratic treatises
(●) Divna Soleil (Lille), Arétée de Cappadoce critique d’Hippocrate?
(●) Joel E. Mann (De Pere, WI), A discourse on method: the skepticism of περὶ φύσιος ἀνθρώπου
(●) Sergio Di Girolamo (Naples), Il Περὶ φύσιος ἀνθρώπου tra Parmenide e Melisso
Saturday 27 October 2018
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (via della Lungara 10, Rome)
Final session (9-13,45)
(●) Heinrich von Staden (Princeton, NJ), ‘Simplicity’, ‘simple’ and their opposites in Hippocratic and Hellenistic medicine
(●) Amneris Roselli (Naples), Il regime in Affezioni interne
(●) Elsa Garcia Novo (Madrid), To narrate death in classical Greece: the Hippocratic Epidemics, Thucydides and Tragedy’s messengers
(●) Jim Hankinson (Austin, TX), The Pseudo-Hippocratic Letters and the Greek self-image of virtue and health
(●) Anna Maria Ieraci Bio (Naples), Per lo studio dell’umanesimo medico: l’Ippocrate di Giorgio Valla
(●) Rocío Martínez Prieto (Castilla – La Mancha), Apuntes sobre la transmisión latina de un escrito pseudo-hipocrático: la Capsula eburnea
(●) Marina Diaz Marcos (Castilla – La Mancha), Las referencias a Hipócrates en la traducción latina de Gerardo de Cremona del De simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus de Galeno
(●) Lutz Alexander Graumann (Gießen), The father of clubfoot treatment challenged: The Hippocratic clubfoot revisited. New medical readings of Art. 62 (L. IV 264,2 – 268,1)
Scientific committee:
Giuseppe Cambiano (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) – Nicolas Laubry (Ecole française de Rome) – Daniela Manetti (University of Florence and Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli») – Lorenzo Perilli (University of Rome «Tor Vergata») – Amneris Roselli (Università of Naples “L’Orientale”)
Contact person for the Scientific committee:
The Colloquium is organised by:
Research Centre «Forms of Knowledge in the Ancient World»
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
in collaboration with
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Ecole française de Rome
University of Florence
Università of Naples «L’Orientale»