Lectures and Conferences 2014-2015
29 OCTOBER 29 2014, h. 15
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia (via Columbia 1, Roma)
Building B, 1st Floor conference room
Giuseppe Longo
CNRS, Collège de France et Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Tufts University (Boston), School of Medicine, Dept. of Integrative Physiology and Pathobiology
Mathematic Infinity “in Perspective” and the Spaces of Possibles
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5 NOVEMBER 2014, h. 15
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia (via Columbia 1, Roma)
Building B, 3rd floor, conference room «Roberto Pretagostini»
Lucio Russo
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Department of Mathematics
Some Examples of Transmission of Knowledge from Antiquity to Modern Science
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19 NOVEMBER 2014, h. 15
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia (via Columbia 1, Roma)
Building B, 3rd floor, conference room «Roberto Pretagostini»
Philippe Mudry
Université de Lausanne
Istituto Svizzero di Roma
Scienza greca e utilitarismo romano. Uno sguardo dietro il pregiudizio
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16 DECEMBER 2014, h. 10
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia (via Columbia 1, Roma)
Building B, 3rd floor, conference room «Roberto Pretagostini»
Francisco J. González Ponce
Universidad de Sevilla
Graeco-Roman Cartography: Similarities and Differences with Modern Cartography
to follow:
Presentation of the international association GAHIA (Geography And Historiography In Antiquity)
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19-20 DECEMBER 2014
Römisches Institut der Görres-Gesellschaft, Città del Vaticano
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
International conference
Landscape between night and dawn: sleep and dream in Ancient Rome
Lecturers: Giancarlo Abbamonte; Filippo Carlà; Walter Cavini; Federica Ciccolella; Paolo Esposito; Sabrina Grimaudo; Luciano Landolfi; Gideon Nisbet; Carlo Santini; Alessandro Schiesaro; Christian Stoffel; Fabio Stok; Christine Walde
Organization: Fabio Stok and Christine Walde
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28 APRIL 2015, h. 11
Geoffrey E.R. Lloyd
Needham Research Institute, Cambridge
Images and arguments in ancient Greece and China. A cross-cultural perspective
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13 MAY 2015, h. 11
Giuseppe Novelli
Geneticist – Dean of the University of Rome Tor Vergata
Genetics and human nature
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20 MAY 2015, h. 11
Jaap Mansfeld
Universiteit Utrecht
Use of sources and indirect tradition: how was born and how to study ancient doxography