Lecture: Francisco J. González Ponce
Research Centre «Forms of Knowledge in the Ancient World»
in collaboration with
Scuola Superiore di Studi in Filosofia
Dottorato di Ricerca in Antichità classiche e loro Fortuna. Archeologia, Filologia, Storia
Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia
Prof. Francisco J. González Ponce
University of Seville
President of the International Association GAHIA – Geography And Historiography In Antiquity
Graeco-Roman Cartography: Similarities and Differences with Modern Cartography
To follow: presentation of the International Association GAHIA (prof. Francisco J. González Ponce, Virgilio Costa, Eugenio Lanzillotta)
Tuesday, December 16, 2014, h. 10
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia (1 Columbia st., Rome)
Building B, 3rd floor, conference room «Roberto Pretagostini»
Download the PDF poster (452 Kb)
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Francisco J. González Ponce, professor of Greek philology and dean of the Facultad de Filología, University of Seville, is author of several publications on ancient geography, among which Periplógrafos Griegos I. Épocas Arcaica y Clásica, 1: Periplo de Hanón y Autores de los SS. VI y V a.C. (Zaragoza 2008) and Avieno y el Periplo (Sevilla 1995). His major fields of research are Graeco-Roman cartography and the origins and characteristics of Greek periplography.