Domenico Marinucci (PhD, London) was born in Rome in 1968. Since 2007 he is Professor of Probability and Mathematical Statistics in the Department of Mathematics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He was Director of the Department from 2007 to 2015, Member of the Evaluation Committee from 2004 to 2007, Academic Senator from 2012 to 2015; in 2011 he was a member of the Commission that drafted the new Statute of the University ex. L. 240/2010.
His research interests focus in the analysis of random fields and their application to Cosmology; on these topics, he was Principal Investigator of the ERC Grant PASCAL: Probabilistic and Statistical Techniques for Cosmological Applications (2011-2016). From 2017 to 2020, he was Vice President of the International Astrostatistics Association; he is a member or associate of numerous collaborations in cosmology, including those related to the Planck and Euclid (ESA) satellites of the European Space Agency. He is currently (2021) Principal Investigator of the MIUR-Departments of Excellence Math@ToV Project. Since 2016 he is Editor in Chief of the Electronic Journal of Statistics (expiring in December 2021); he was previously Associate Editor of the Journal of Multivariate Analysis and Statistics and Probability Letters.
He has been an invited speaker at many of the most important conferences in his field, including the European Congress of Mathematics in 2020. He is the author of a book on random fields on the sphere for Cambridge University Press, and of about 100 papers in journals of Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Analysis, Physics, and Cosmology; he is among the 23 international researchers who have achieved the so-called Annals Quadfecta, i.e. to be able to publish in the four most prestigious journals of Probability and Statistics – IMS. According to Google Scholar, he is among the 50 most cited researchers in the world in the field of Probability.
Select publications
(with G. Peccati) Random Fields on the Sphere: Representations, Limit Theorems and Cosmological Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2011
Articles in international reviews (since 2015)
- (with M. Rossi and A. Vidotto), Non-Universal Fluctuations of the Empirical Measure for Isotropic Stationary Fields on S^2xR, «Annals of Applied Probability», in press (2021+)
- (with A. Caponera), Asymptotics for Spherical Functional Autoregressions, «Annals of Statistics», in press (2021+)
- (with M. Rossi), On the Correlation between Nodal and Nonzero Level Sets for Random Spherical Harmonics, «Annales Institute Henri Poincaré» (in press) (2021+)
- (with F. Oppizzi, A. Renzi, M. Liguori, F.K. Hansen, C. Baccigalupi, D. Bertacca, D. Poletti), Needlet Thresholding Methods in Component Separation, «Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics» 3, 054, 29 pp. (2020)
- (with V. Cammarota), A Reduction Principle for the Critical Values of Random Spherical Harmonics, «Stochastic Processes and their Applications» 130.4, 2433-2470 (2020)
- (with M. Rossi and I. Wigman), The Asymptotic Equivalence of the Sample Trispectrum and the Nodal Length for Random Spherical Harmonics, «Annales Institute Henri Poincaré – Prob.Stat.» 56.1, 374-390 (2020)
- (with J. Benatar and I. Wigman), Planck-Scale Distribution of Nodal Length of Arithmetic Random Waves, «Journal d’Analyse Mathématique» 141.2, pp. 707-749 (2020)
- (with D. Cheng, V. Cammarota, Y. Fantaye, A. Schwartzman), Multiple Testing of Local Maxima for Detection of Peaks on the (Celestial) Sphere, «Bernoulli» 26.1, pp. 31-60 (2020)
- (with Y. Fantaye, V. Cammarota, A.P. Todino), A Numerical Investigation on the High-Frequency Geometry of Spherical Random Eigenfunctions, «High Frequency», Wiley (2019)
- (with J. Carron-Duque, A. Buzzelli, Y. Fantaye, A. Schwartzman, N. Vittorio), Point Source Detection and False Discovery Rate Control on CMB Maps, «Astronomy and Computing» 28, 100310 (2019)
- (with V. Cammarota), A Quantitative Central Limit Theorem for the Euler-Poincaré Characteristic of Random Spherical Harmonics, «Annals of Probability» 46.6, 3188-3288 (2018)
- (with X. Lan and Y. Xiao), Strong Local Nondeterminism and Exact Modulus of Continuity for Spherical Gaussian Fields, «Stochastic Processes and their Applications» 128.4, 1294-1315 (2018)
- (with S. Campese and M. Rossi), Approximate Normality of High-Energy Hyperspherical Eigenfunctions, «Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications» 461.1, 500-522 (2018)
- (with G. Peccati, M. Rossi, I. Wigman), Non-universality of Nodal Length Distribution for Arithmetic Random Waves, «Geometric and Functional Analysis» 26.3, 926-960 (2016)
- (with V. Cammarota and I. Wigman), Fluctuations of the Euler-Poincaré Characteristic for Random Spherical Harmonics, «Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society» 144.11, 4759-4775 (2016)
- (with V. Cammarota and I. Wigman), On the Distribution of the Critical Values of the Random Spherical Harmonics, «Journal of Geometric Analysis» 4, 3252-3324 (2016)
- (with F. Bianchini and A. Renzi), Needlet Estimation of Cross-Correlation between CMB Lensing Maps and LSS, «Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics» 11, id. 050 (2016)
- Planck 2015 results. XVII. Constraints on Primordial non-Gaussianity (Planck Collaboration), «Astronomy & Astrophysics» 594, id. A17, 66 pp. (2016)
- Planck 2015 Results. I. Overview of Products and Scientific Results (Planck Collaboration), «Astronomy & Astrophysics» 594, id. A1, 38 pp. (2016)
- Planck 2015 results. XVI. Isotropy and Statistics of the CMB (Planck Collaboration), «Astronomy & Astrophysics» 594, id. A16, 62 pp. (2016)
- (with S. Vadlamani), High-Frequency Asymptotics for Lipschitz-Killing Curvatures of Excursion Sets on the Sphere, «Annals of Applied Probability» 26.1, 462-506 (2016)
- (with. S. Bourguin, C. Durastanti, G. Peccati), Gaussian Approximations of Nonlinear Statistics on the Sphere, «Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications» 436.2, 1121-1148 (2016)
- (with M. Rossi), Stein-Malliavin Approximations for Nonlinear Functionals of Random Eigenfunctions on ${mathbb{S}}^{d}$, «Journal of Functional Analysis» 268.8, 2379-2420 (2015)
- (with Y. Fantaye, F.K. Hansen, D. Maino), Cosmological Applications of the Gaussian Kinematic Formula, «Physical Review D» 91, 063501 (2015)
- (with S. Vadlamani), A Note on Global Suprema of Band-Limited Spherical Random Functions, «Statistics and Probability Letters» 96, 141-148 (2015)
- (with V. Cammarota), The Stochastic Properties of $\ell^1$-Regularized Spherical Gaussian Fields, «Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis» 38.2, 262-283 (2015)
- (with V. Cammarota), On the Limiting Behaviour of Needlets Polyspectra, «Annales Institute Henri Poincaré – Prob.Stat.» 51.3, 1159-1189 (2015)
Papers and meetings (since 2015)
1) European Congress of Mathematics, 26/6/2021
2) Kyiv Conference MSTA, 3/6/2021
3) MalGa Seminar, Genoa, 5/5/ 2021
4) Università di Trento, 25/6/2020
5) Bremen University Mathematics Colloquium 16/6/2020
6) Van Dantzig National Seminar, Delft, 14/2/2020
7) Joint Seminar, EPFL, Lausanne, 4/12/2019
8) Invited Speaker, Workshop Unirandom, Rennes, 10/9/2019
9) Invited Speaker, Congresso Unione Matematica Italiana, Pavia, 3/9/2019
10) MoMa Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Sapienza University of Rome, 30/11/2018
11) Invited Speaker, Institut Henri Poincaré Trimester on Analytics, Inference and Computation in Cosmology, Paris, 26/10/2018
12) Invited Speaker, Advanced Statistics for Physics Discovery, Padua, 24/9/2018
13) Invited Speaker, Joint UMI-Polish Mathematical Society meeting, Wroclaw, 17/9/2018
14) Invited Speaker, Recent Advances in Random Processes, Rome 10/9/2019
15) Invited Speaker, IMS-APRM, Singapore 29/6/2018
16) Invited Speaker, Random Waves in Oxford 19/6/2018
17) Invited Speaker, Stochastic Geometry Days, Université Paris Descartes, 17/5/2018
18) Invited Speaker, Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Systems, Lorentz Centre, Leiden 16/4/2018
19) Invited Speaker, High-Dimensional Data Analysis, Marrakech, 10/4/2018
20) Spring Day in Probability, King’s College London, 5/3/2018
21) Invited Speaker, Dictionary Learning on Manifolds, Nice, 5/9/2017
22) Session Organizer and Invited Speaker, Astrostatistics Session SIS, Florence, 30/06/2017
23) Invited Speaker, ADISTA Conference, Rome, 8/6/2017
24) Plenary Speaker, Large Random Graphs: Geometry and Applications, Hausdorff Centre, Bonn, 6/4/2017
25) Plenary Speaker, Workshop on Random Polynomials, Montevideo, 24/2/2017
26) Probability Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Sapienza University of Rome, 23/1/2017
27) Invited Speaker, 10th ICSA Conference, Shangai, 20/12/2016
28) Mathematics Seminar, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, 1/12/2016
29) Probability Seminar, Luiss Guido Carli, Rome, 20/10/2016
30) Invited Speaker, TIES 2016, Edinburgh, 21/7/2016
31) Invited Speaker, Random Waves in London, King’s College, 3-5/5/2016
32) Department Colloquium, University of Luxembourg, 23/2/2016
33) Invited Speaker, Meeting in Mathematical Statistics, Frejus (FR), 14-18/12/2015
34) Invited Speaker and Session Organizer, CFE-ERCIM London, 12/12/2015
35) Linnik Centennial Conference, St. Petersburg, 14-18/9/2015
36) Keynote Speaker, Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems, Bad Herrenalb (Germany), 7-11/9/2015
37) Session Organizer, 14 Marcel Grossmann meeting on General Relativity, Rome, 13-17/7/2015
38) Invited Speaker, European Meeting of Statisticians, Amsterdam, 6-10/7/2015
39) Invited Speaker, IMS-China Conference, Kunming, 1-4/7/2015
40) Invited Lecturer, Finnish Summer School in Probability and Statistics, 1-5/6/2015
41) Colloquium Astrophysics, SISSA Trieste, 12/5/2015